
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why I'm Beautifully Broken...

I have another opened window for I love that site, because I'm a believer in most of the quizzes there. Most of the quizzes I've taken result completely true. I'm gonna post my results on here, because I love when Blogs explain about the writer and their life. I hate when Blogs reveal nothing about a person's life. I need to know what they are like, what they like to do, yeah, I'm sort of a stalker in a way:D

1)The Ocean Test
Results: You Are Reflective and Thoughtful
You are most comfortable when you are mixing things up a little bit. You like novelty in small doses.You are drawn to harmony and compassion. You value commonalities over differences.You seek a bit more depth in your life, but you are slowly changing. You don't like to rush anything.You believe that if you look closely enough at people, you can appreciate them more... flaws and all.

What I think: It's all true, but I don't know about the last part. I do value people's flaws, because that's what makes people interesting, but I have more of a tendency to want to fix them, than anything else. It's almost like a constant need! It bothers me.

2)What is Your Childhood Game?
Results: You Are Hopscotch
You are easygoing and carefree. You like to play, but you don't really like to compete.You prefer to cooperate with others. You like to work with people ... not against them!You have a childlike innocence and optimism that is worth holding on to.You find happiness easily. You can get pleasure from the smallest things.

What I think: All of this is true. I actually ask myself, when am I gonna grow up? Well, the work with people is mostly true, sometimes I kinda do the opposite...

3)What Kind of Happy Are You?

Results: You are Peaceful

You are feeling very serene and centered. You're content with your life.You have a clear head and a peaceful spirit. You are relaxed enough to appreciate what you have.You are able to let go of your fears. You are trusting and generous toward others. You live a quiet, mellow life. It may not be dramatic, but it's very fulfilling.

What I Think: It's pretty much true. I don't like drama, and it rarely heads my way.

4)What's Normal About You and What's Not?

Results:You Are Fairly Normal

You scored 65% normal on this quiz.Like most people you are normal in some ways...But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too!

Why You Are Normal:You prefer your friends to your family.You prefer ruffled potato chips.You think fishnet stockings are trashy.When you're in a car, you prefer to be the driver.You prefer a good meal to a good nap

Why You Aren't Normal:You know a little about many subjects.You would rather be a movie star than an astronaut.You'd rather have cockroaches than rats in your home.You prefer the moon to the sun.You rather screw someone over than be screwed over.

What I think: I don't know what to think.
5)What Herb Are You?
Results:You Are Mint
You are a honest person with a strong personality. Your frank point of view is refreshing.You've been quite lucky in your life, though you have made more of your own luck than you realize.You are engaging and disarming. You definitely have the "gift of gab!" You live an edgy, dynamic life. Sometimes you get a little burned, but you always bounce back.
What I think: I don't know about a strong personality, but it feels like I'm getting there.

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