
Friday, July 23, 2010

Thinking Beyond the Surface

Yesterday, I was watching The Tyra Show, and it was about these women that were insecure about themselves and didn't want others to have what they wanted. I looked at these women and thought, "How can anybody be like that?" and I became a judger. I think we're all judgers, the people that watch others fail, or harm themselves and instead of helping we joke about their situations. It doesn't even have to be a serious case, but we look down on these people...everyday people, instead of lending a hand.

On the show, there were two sisters. One of the sister's was fuller than the other. She thought she was fat, just because she had a bigger body than her sister, but she was extremely close to her younger sister; they're practically best friends. The night before they appeared on tv, they went out to a club and the bigger sister helped choose the youinger sisters' clothes. Instead of her being helpful, she mislead the younger sister into wearing a short and tight metallic dress with cutout sides and leggings that made her look like she belonged in a corner at 2am. I thought it was dumb for the younger sister to go through with that even though she didn't even like the outfit. If that was me and someone told me to wear that, I wouldn't have done it, even if it meant disapointing someone else. I asked myself, "Why is it that I'm selfish like that?" and I think it's because I'm still young and I don't feel the need to care about other people needs to be seen by wearing something I would never want to wear. And then I put myself in the older sister's shoes, and I knew that I would've done the same thing if I was in that situation. Does that make me a bad person? I don't know.

I keep wondering, "Why is it that we're willing to make other's feel lower to make ourselves feel better?" I've never been the type to put people down for no reason, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened in other forms. We may look at our friend in the dressing room with a cute skirt on and say, "That skirt makes you look like you have something growing out of your butt." But we might make a face or we could do the opposite, which is to encourage your friend to buy it if the skirt actually looks bad. Tyra called these friends the " 'Shave your head, friends' " But there's also the option of telling the truth and choosing a different skirt, if this one looks bad. I believe I'd help my friend choose a different skirt. If you think about it, we have different kinds of friends.

a.)The Besties- Friends that you care about whether you see them all the time, or you don't.
b.)The Frenemies- The ones you mostly dislike, but you seem to be around them anyway.
c.)Everyone-Else- The people you genuinely like, and the people you don't.

It's different with different people. To me, it doesn't matter whether The Besties may be majorly cute, or not. But either way, I don't have the guts to ruin those peoples lives or anybody else's for that matter. I care about them so much, I only want to make them better. The Frenemies are those people that you can't stand, but you have a weak spot for them. Whenever revenge sets opportunity I may or may not take charge, as long as it doesn't harm them. Thank god, I don't have any or many of those. And then there's everyone else...
But you may be one of those lucky people that would be completely clean-hearted! Thank you:D

Here's a pop quiz:

1)You have a Bestie that is on a diet even though she already looks stunning. She has put you in charge of helping to keep her on track. You and her are deciding where to go for dinner. She wants to go to a local vegetarian restaurant, but you want pizza. What do you do?

a.)Tell her how good she's been doing great and convince her to go to the pizza place, even though you both have been having pizza for lunch 3 times a week. One more time won't hurt.

b.)Go to the vegetarian restaurant and you order pizza, just to make her feel bad.

c.)Go to the vegetarian restuarant and back her up completely even though you want pizza.

This is personal, so just ask yourself and let your mind wander. You may be inspired to think beyond the surface.

P.S. I'm only saying what's on my mind, I'm not a jerk!

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