
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Life Recently

I haven't written for a while because I've been so busy but guess what? I'm at work, It's 5:40 and I have nothing to do. Just twenty more minutes till I'm out of here. What has happened in my life? Too much!! LOL! So I'll try to catch you up even though I may not recall everything. So yesterday I got a belly button ring and I'm soooo uber excited, I keep touching it. I just won't stop! It was unexpected yesterday:) I've been wanting something since I've recently turned 18 on May the 20th. I want a feather tattoo but it costs more money and the pain is more than the 10 seconds of hell that I suffered last night. Hmmm...What's next? Oh yes! Next Friday I will be going to New Orleans to let my freak flag fly! lol, I love saying that. Just to let loose with some friends. I've realized that these are the people that I don't have drama with. It's gonna be the best! I love them:) I've been making a lot of money lately since I started working full time and I need to control my spending but I barely can. Two days ago I splurged on a new car stereo with my own money and today my BFF Billy went and got it installed for me! YAY! Now I just can't wait to go home!!

Things are going well besides the small things that are disruptions. Like I broke up with my boyfriend because he's wayyyyyyyy too laid back for me. I'm so up and going and he's so blah. I liked him alot but our differences made our relationship kind of annoying. Am I ever gonna be able to get married!? I'm so not one to settle!

Another thing that has happened is that an ex best friend is annoying as hell! All I have to say is that if you don't like me, don't talk to me and pretend to be civil, when you're not in the right mind. Just like I have to say, I'm not gonna talk to you like it's all good when I don't like you. Liars these days...but it's all good! I'm soooo excited!

This summer has been great so far! I'm working on not letting things and other people get me down and it's working, because I have the mind set that problems will be problems and there will ALWAYS be problems but if you don't know how to handle them and push them aside then you're not going to be happy and that is my buddhist/christian point of view! So now it's 5:54 and I have a few more minutes till I'm out of here! I just wanna go now. I can say that all I'm gonna do today is sit in front of the tv with a bowl of Blue Bell Ice Cream, and that is how I must live this awesome day!Feels amazing:)


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