
Monday, February 7, 2011

Energizer Bunny of a Mind:)

Ahhh:) Oh sweet, sweet life of me! I don't want to continue talking about myself, but I'm gonna have to because this is a blog about me. I am sooooooooooo proud of everything I've accomplished in the past year. I have thought up my own ideas and I've finally become the person that I wanted to be. ME! I'm the kind of person that always finds room for change, because without change life is boring! My perspective on things have improved thanks to a little hobby that I acquired on Saturday.

On Saturday Rachal and I ran/walked a 5K for charity and I even bought an outfit simply to look like I knew what I was doing. In a way it was to look intimidating but once I started running it was like a mouse trying to be intimidating against a bunch of lions. Rachal and I finished in-don't laugh-50 minutes, but I felt a tremendous amount of energy that couldn't have been put to rest or so I thought until we both went home and I fell asleep on her! Either way, I was filled with so much confidence because I had ran three miles in almost thirty degree weather. Thanks to that, there's a cloud of hope above me saying that I can do anything and everything that I want to do! I even ran Sunday on my own and I didn't want to stop, I think I'm on a roll and I love it!

After those three miles there is inspiration flowing through me and I guess this is where I'm starting to show off my newfound inspiration. I had no idea where to start with all of this excitement. I want to keep creating music and poetry but I'm sooooooo unbelievably stagnant with a load of ideas!! I feel like I'm being very vague and not explaining everything but this is not getting any better. I go from thought to thought and I'm sorry but my mind is an evercharged energizer bunny, always running from idea to idea. I guess this is why my blog is called beautifully broken! Everything said is broken into thoughts that aren't all explained. HAHA! Well, in conclusion to this post...I am very happy and satisfied with how things are going. I'm inspired to live and continue living! For the first time in my life, I have ditched the guys and it's just me and my friends. I didn't know I could live without having a guy in mind! For this I deserve a cookie! I will definitely go get one after work! Ooops. I revealed my location. I guess it's wrong to do other unjobly things like blog during work, so shhh...Don't tell my boss. I'm trusting you keep my dirty little secret;)

C'est la vie, c'est ma vi!
xoxo Jenessy:)

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